Using Shell Commands to Effortlessly Ingest Line-Delimited JSON into PostgreSQL
I recently wanted to ingest a line-delimited JSON file into Postgres for some quick data exploration. I was surprised when I couldn't find a simple CLI solution that parsed the JSON and loaded each field into its own column. Every approach I found instead inserted the entire JSON object in a JSONB field. Here is my solution.
Downloading 250000 Hacker News Comments
Let's say we want to download all of the Hacker News comments from the month of May. A line-delimited JSON file is available from pushshift. Fetching and decompressing the file is simple:
curl | bzip2 -d
Here is what the dataset looks like:
"by": "criddell",
"id": 16966059,
"kids": [16966312, 16966776, 16969455, 16966323],
"parent": 16965363,
"retrieved_on": 1528401399,
"text": "Yeah - there's always a HATEOAS comment somewhere and...",
"time": 1525173078,
"type": "comment"
Formatting the Data
You might think that Postgres has a simple utility for loading line-delimited JSON. Like me, you'd be wrong. It's all the more surprising given that it has a COPY utility that's designed to load data from files. Unfortunately, that utility only supports text
, csv
, and binary
Transforming our data into a CSV is a breeze with jq. We can pipe the JSON stream into the following command to extract the id
, by
, parent
, and text
fields. You can customize the command to extract whatever fields you like.
jq -r '[.id, .by, .parent, .text] | @csv'
The -r
option indicates that we would like a raw string output, as opposed to JSON formatted with quotes. The [.id, .by, .parent, .text]
part produces an array containing the desired fields and the pipe into bash>@csv
specifies the format. All that's left is to load the data into Postgres.
Ingesting the Data
After creating the database
createdb comment_db
and applying the schema
CREATE TABLE comment (
parent INTEGER,
text TEXT
we can hydrate our comments into comment_db
using psql
psql comment_db -c "COPY comment (id, by, parent, text) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV)"
Note that the fields specified above need to be in the same order as the fields in the CSV stream generated by jq
Here is the final command
curl \
| bzip2 -d \
| jq -r '[.id, .by, .parent, .text] | @csv' \
| psql comment_db -c "COPY comment (id, by, parent, text) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV)"
Supporting Referential Integrity
You will notice that despite the fact that the comment.parent
refers to a comment id, we have omitted a foreign key constraint from our schema. This omission is because our command does not control for the order in which comments are loaded. We would have received constraint errors if we specified the foreign key relationship.
We can overcome this obstacle by sorting our incoming comments by id.
curl \
| bzip2 -d \
| jq -s -r 'sort_by(.id) | .[] | [.id, .by, .parent, .text] | @csv' \
| psql comment_db -c "COPY comment (id, by, parent, text) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV)"
If you have a primary key that doesn't serially increase - perhaps you're using a natural key or a UUID as your primary key - then you could also sort on a created_at
Everything in software engineering has a tradeoff, and I would be remiss to to not mention them here. That -s
option we specified above instructs jq
to download the entire dataset into memory, a requirement for sorting. If you dataset is too large, then the command will fail (jq
failed for me at 769MB).
The first option does not suffer this limitation and will work for arbitrarily large datasets. This is because it leverages streams to only work on small chunks of data at once. If your dataset is large and you want foreign key constraints, you could use this streaming approach and then apply the constraints after data ingestion completes.
If you have a data engineering or PostgreSQL related problem, I do consulting work and am currently looking for new clients. Please contact me for more details